Joint Inflammation Action Plan
Joint discomfort and inflammation are key indicators of joint health, limiting everyday activities and simple comfort. Whether joint discomfort stems from a temporary inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues around the joints, or a chronic condition such as the breakdown of cartilage in the joints, there are strategies to help maintain and regain healthy joint function.
Physical Activity
Complementary Therapies
Do's and Don'ts
Measure Your Progress
As inflammation and stiffness declines, you should notice more freedom from discomfort and stiffness, an increased range of motion and better flexibility and balance. Share your plan and progress with your health professional.
For years scientists have known when the body releases an over-abundance of the enzymes called COX-1 and COX-2, they can trigger joint discomfort and swelling. Recently, a third enzyme, called 5-LO, was
discovered that releases chemicals even more debilitating than COX-2. Clinical studies have now shown that the ingredients in BotaniFlex 125™ are unique natural compounds that help block all three enzymes.
InflamMotion® contains BotaniFlex 125™, a unique patent-pending combination of Chinese Skullcap extract and Acacia extract. Researchers have investigated hundreds of plants in their quest to discover a natural
solution to joint discomfort. Recently, they discovered the exact ratios of the ingredients in BotaniFlex 125™ to be most effective in blocking the triggers that cause joint stiffness and discomfort. A clinical study using a
special discomfort "index" showed the effectiveness of these two extracts compared to placebo. The ingredients in InflamMotion® are backed by science, promise an all-natural solution to joint discomfort, and
are gentle on the stomach.
InflamMotion® also contains a proprietary botanical compound of Ginger root, Curcumin C3 Complex® and Boswellin® that have all demonstrated natural anti-inflammatory activity. Digestive enzymes Bromelain and Papain help blood and nutrients flow to muscle and joint tissue to keep them lubricated and healthy. Rutin, a powerful antioxidant found in citrus fruits, helps protect joint tissue from oxidative stress.
InflamMotion® is potency-enhanced with Futurebiotics BioAccelerators™. Clinically-studied Bioperine® (Piper nigrum extract) improves nutrient bioavailability, while our proprietary natural compound of Ginger extract,
Trikatu, super-potent Digezyme®t and Lactospore®t boosts digestion and absorption.
InflamMotion® - taking inspiration from Nature. This 100% vegetarian product has an aromatic botanical essence added, along with natural co-factors including Ginger root and Rutin.
Модифицированная целлюлоза (вегетарианская капсула), стеариновая кислота, микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, растительный стеарат, диоксид кремния, масло имбиря.
InflamMotion вдохновлен природой. Этот 100% вегетарианский продукт содержит ароматическую растительную эссенцию, а также , натуральные сопутствующие факторы, включая корень имбиря и рутин. Стеклянная бутылочка надолго сохраняет натуральную свежесть и помогает поддерживать эффективность.
Не содержит добавленных дрожжей, сахар, соль, крахмала, пшеницы, глютена, сою, молочных продуктов, искусственных красителей и консервантов.
Не следует принимать в период беременности или кормления грудью.
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