Sky Organics Grapeseed Oil is sourced directly from artisanal farmers in Italy. The oil is extracted from the seed of the highest quality grapes by. This allows for the oil to retain all of it's nutrients and heading benefits. Sky organics grapeseed oil is rich in vitamins A, E, B, and D plus amino acids and essential fatty acids that are essential for keeping your skin looking young and your hair looking healthy. It's regenerating properties may help treat sun damaged dry skin which in turn will help minimize fine line and wrinkles. Our Grapeseed oil can also be used as a hair conditioner to help tame dry frizzy hair and restored its natural shine.
Не является лекарственным средством
Другие Ингредиенты
100% pure grape seed oil (vitis vinifera).
As a skin moisturizer: Apply oil directly onto skin and let it absorb.
As a hair conditioner: Mix a few drops with your regular shampoo or conditioner and/or massage directly onto the scalp and rinse.
As a message oil: Rub between hands to heat and apply to skin. Optional - add a few drops of your favorite sky Organics essential oil
DIY Projects: Use in your favorite DIY recipes such as lotions, lipbalms etc.
If irritation occurs, discontinue use. For external use only. Refrigeration not required.
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