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BE[AT] Your Best With BCAA Hydrate!
Maximize your performance, muscle building, and recovery with BCAA HYDRATE! During intense training, branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are oxidized (burned) to support powerful muscular contractions and fuel increased performance demands.
BCAA HYDRATE provides a research-validated ratio of free-form Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine (all 3 BCAAs), which are rapidly absorbed and become directly available to muscle tissue.
Taken around your workouts, BCAA HYDRATE helps to quickly support energy needs, spare muscle tissue from breakdown, reduce fatigue so you can train harder/longer, and trigger anabolic cell signalling to stimulate growth and recovery.
2:1:1 Ratio of BCAAS
BCAA HYDRATE offers 7 grams of instantized, highly bioavailable, plant-based BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio. This tried-and-true proportion of Leucine to Isoleucine to Valine is the precise ratio used in numerous research studies to support BCAA supplementation.
3.5 Grams Leucine
Each serving of BCAA HYDRATE provides 3.5 grams of Leucine. This highly sought-after amount of Leucine is specifically utilized to help activate the mTOR pathway and stimulate protein synthesis (muscle building) to enhance your muscle growth and recovery.
2 Grams Coconut Water & 4 Electrolytes
Optimal hydration is critical for those looking to improve endurance, stamina, and muscle size. BCAA HYDRATE provides 2 grams of crystallized coconut water and 4 essential electrolytes to help maintain fluid balance for full-throttle workouts that leave you gasping for air on the floor, drenched in sweat.
Quality Assurance
BCAA HYDRATE is manufactured in a Banned-Substance Free, CGMP, FDA Registered manufacturing facility. Every ingredient and LOT are tested to ensure the highest standards in efficacy and safety.
Лимонная кислота, натуральные ароматизаторы, сукралоза, диоксид кремния, подсолнечный лецитин, порошок из свеклы.
Содержит кокос. Производится на предприятии, где также обрабатываются побочные продукты переработки молока, соя, кунжута, яиц, арахис, древесные орехи.
Не предназначено для лиц младше 18 лет. Не следует принимать во время беременности и кормления грудью. Проконсультируйтесь с врачом при наличии каких-либо заболеваний, перед началом диеты или программы тренировок. Не используйте, если пакет порван или поврежден. Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте при температуре 15–30 ℃ (59–86F). Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
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