Every day, the stresses of life diminish the body's ability to produce HGH and testosterone. We lose more of the associated youthful energy, strength and vitality. By age 40, we often generate only a fraction of the HGH and testosterone we once did. Beyond age 40, testosterone is much reduced, and HGH is virtually gone!
Nutritionally Supports Healthy Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Production, Healthy Testosterone Production, Healthy Sexual Function and Healthy Brain Function.
Discover the revitalizing, synergistic benefits of promoting optimal testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) levels using nature's hormone-boosting nutrients. Men rave about GHT Male's testosterone-supporting activities, which promote energy, strength, stamina and libido.... Men extol the endurance-, coordination- and metabolic-weight-control results achieved by promoting HGH levels. Testosterone and HGH work via different physiological pathways, but their combined effects are even greater than one would expect from their sum! NaturesPlus GHT Male™ is the ultimate testosterone- and HGH-promoting supplement for total body vitality!
GHT MALE delivers powerful nutrients that help:
NaturesPlus GHT Male™:
The ultimate vitality supplement for men!
Every day, the stresses of life diminish the body's ability to produce HGH and testosterone. We lose more of the associated youthful energy, strength and vitality. By age 40, we often generate only a fraction of the HGH and testosterone we once did. Beyond age 40, testosterone is much reduced, and most HGH is reduced even further! Research on muscle growth suggests that the combined benefit of testosterone and HGH is synergistic; improvements are greater than one would see from a sum of the parts.
Растительная микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, растительная микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, стеарат магния и очищенная вода.
Не содержит искусственных красителей и консервантов. Не содержит дрожжей, молока, яиц, рыбы, ракообразных и моллюсков, древесных орехов, арахиса и пшеницы.
Предупреждение для больных фенилкетонурией: содержит фенилаланин.
Хранить плотно закрытым в прохладном сухом месте. хранить вне досягаемости детей.
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