Enliven your senses with the vibrant color, gentle spice and delicious aroma of turmeric, known to support healthy digestion.
The Twinings of London Story
In 1706, Thomas Twinning began selling fine tea from an English storefront in The Strand, London. Today, Twinings continues to sell some of the world's best teas from the original store and in more than 100 countries throughout the world.
What does it taste like?
Star anise brings a smooth, gentle spice, which combined with earthly turmeric and delicious orange flavor, creates a well-rounded, smooth and warming blend which is naturally caffeine-free.
Sourced with Care
Improving the quality of life in the communities we source from.
Turmeric - Turmeric, known for its wonderfully vibrant color and aromatic spice, has been widely used for centuries as a digestive aid in traditional practices in China and India.
Orange - The flavor of orange, with its unmistakably sweet taste and fresh aroma, is used in a variety of products all over the world.
Star Anise - A brown, woody, star-shaped fruit, extensively used in South Asian cooking, with a rich anise seed aroma and flavor.
Другие Ингредиенты
Turmeric root, lemongrass, star anise, orange peel, liquorice root, natural orange flavor with other natural flavors.
Simply use freshly boiled water and steep the bag for 4minutes or to desired strength. For the best flavor, we recommend that you refrain from using a microwave to boil the water.
We recommend that you enjoy two cups of this tea daily as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
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